Create, update, delete, enable or disable environments for this Unleash instance.
📄️ Creates a new environment
Uses the details provided in the payload to create a new environment
📄️ Get all environments
Retrieves all environments that exist in this Unleash instance.
📄️ Validates if an environment name exists
Uses the name provided in the body of the request to validate if the given name exists or not
📄️ Updates an environment by name
Given an environment by name updates the environment with the given payload. Note that `name`, `enabled` and `protected` cannot be changed by this API
📄️ Deletes an environment by name
Given an existing environment by name, this endpoint will attempt to delete it
📄️ Get the environment with `name`
Retrieves the environment with `name` if it exists in this Unleash instance
📄️ Clones an environment
Given an existing environment name and a set of options, this will create a copy of that environment
📄️ Get the environments available to a project
Gets the environments that are available for this project. An environment is available for a project if enabled in the [project configuration](https://docs.getunleash.io/reference/environments#enable-an-environment)
📄️ Update environment sort orders
Updates sort orders for the named environments. Environments not specified are unaffected.
📄️ Toggle the environment with `name` on
Makes it possible to enable this environment for a project. An environment must first be globally enabled using this endpoint before it can be enabled for a project
📄️ Toggle the environment with `name` off
Removes this environment from the list of available environments for projects to use